Kodak Vericolor 400plus

Kodak Vericolor 400plus

As I said with my last post, I have been collecting as much film, expired, discontinued, new, and hard to find films as much as I can lately, and up until recently, I have not been shooting them, why? Well, I cannot really say, probably because I fear I will not use them properly, or will find I really like them and cannot get new ones. 

Today, I went out shooting with my lovely girlfriend, and 3 cameras, my Leica M3, a Nikon F5 that was just given to me, and my

Fuji GF670

. The Fuji was loaded up with a roll of Kodak Vericolor 400plus that expired in 2000, 14 years ago. I've heard that its best to shoot one stop over for every decade that a film is expired, so I shot this at 200, well, actually, I shot it at 160. This roll was 220, and I shot it 6x7, so I got 20 frames out of it. Just a few locations around town, these are the ones I liked, that were not redundant. 

I have to say, I was extremely pleased with this film, it was a more muted film, that produced results exactly as I had hoped. Now, as I had feared, I will be looking for this film on ebay and what have, just like I have with the Kodak Pro100, oh well. At least I like portra, too. 

Mamiya 7 + 43mm

Mamiya 7 + 43mm

Expired Film

Expired Film