My 501c and Some Ektachrome 160t

My 501c and Some Ektachrome 160t

I'm sitting here at the KLM lounge at Dulles, thanks to a friend at KLM who sent an email and got me and the wife access. We are headed to Delhi and places around India for two weeks, so I felt now was the perfect time to share the first real roll that I put through my new, to me, Hasselblad 501c. I had to give back the 501cm, so I purchased a 501c and was given a 150mm F4 CF.

Ektachrome 160t is a tungsten balanced slide film. For yellow lights, this is a great film to shoot at night, however Baltimore is changing out the lights to blue LED lights, womp womp. I did take out some of the blue in the scans, but not much. Here are the resulting images from an absolutely frigid night with Bruce and Jacob

Hasseblad 501c, Bergger Pancro 400, and a #15 Yellow Filter

Hasseblad 501c, Bergger Pancro 400, and a #15 Yellow Filter

2017: An Amazing Year

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